A little about your AAML Officers:
President (2012-2013): Tim Brister, tbrister@harding.edu
Tim Brister graduated from Melbourne High School in Melborne, AR and later went to Harding University and earned a BA and MSE. Tim has taught mathematics at Midland School District in Pleasant Plains, Beebe Middle School, and Searcy High School. He has also served as an adjunct instructor for ASU in Beebe and for Harding University in Searcy. Tim is a member of the ACTM board and and a member of NCTM and NCSM. He is currently the K- 12 Mathematics Specialist at Harding University STEM Center for Math and Science Education in Searcy Arkansas.
Past President(2010-2011): Linda Griffith, lindag@uca.edu
Linda K. Griffith was born in Heber Springs, Arkansas. She graduated from Rose Bud High School and later earned a BSE and MSE from the University of Central Arkansas. She received a Ph.D. in mathematics education from The University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Griffith has taught school at West Side School District in Greers Ferry, Arkansas; served as an instructor at Austin Community College in Austin, Texas, served as an assistant instructor at The University of Texas at Austin, she held the position of assistant professor at The University of Alabama at Birmingham and is currently a professor of Mathematics at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA) in Conway, Arkansas. Dr. Griffith served for many years as co-director of the Arkansas Center for Mathematics and Science Education at UCA. In this capacity she provided professional development and technical assistant to school districts in Arkansas as they strive to improve student achievement in mathematics and science education. She recently has worked with the Arkansas Department of Education on the comprehensive professional development plan for implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.
Dr. Griffith is serving as the Southern Region 2 director for the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics. She has served as an officer in the Arkansas Council of Teachers of Mathematics. She is a national instructor for the Teachers Teaching with Technology program. She was an instructor for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Middle School Mathematics Academy. She received a fellowship from the Kellogg National Leadership Program. Her research interests focus on developing and testing comprehensive programs that result in increases in mathematics achievement.
Vice President (2011-2013): Roberta Parks, rparks@uafortsmith.edu
Secretary (2011-2013): Heather Hardin, heather_hardin @ymail.com
Heather is currently the Public School Program Advisor for the Arkansas Department of Education as well as online math instructor with Bryan University located in Rogers, AR.
Membership (2011-2013) Linda Maples, lmaples@esd.k12.ar.us

AAML executive committee at 2012 Leader's Conference
Left to Right: Linda Maples, Linda Griffith, Heather Hardin, Roberta Parks, Tim Brister
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