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AAML Officers
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Saved by Tom
on September 20, 2018 at 2:47:21 pm
A little about your AAML Officers:
President (2017-18): Tom Simmons, El Dorado, tsimmons@esd-15.org
Tom Simmons began serving as an educator in 1987 upon completing his Bachelor’s Degree in Biology/Chemistry from Louisiana College. He taught math and science and coached in schools in Louisiana and Arkansas and completed his Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Louisiana Tech 2003. In the spring of 2003, he was selected to serve as Endowed Mathematics Chair for the El Dorado School District.
While serving as Mathematics Chair, Simmons has served on multiple state and national committees including: ADE Crosswalk committees (K – 8, 9 – 12), ADE Parent Report Card committee, Arkansas Blue Ribbon Committee, ADE High School Mathematics Course development, ADE Computer Science and Mathematics course development committee, ADE Computer Science Standards committees, Arkansas Association of Mathematics Leaders – President, PARCC Diagnostic Assessment review, ACT/Aspire Performance Level Descriptor committee, Triangle Coalition for STEM Education, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics committee, National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Affiliate, National Integrated Cyber Education Research Center AMES course development. He has also teamed with educators from across the state to work alongside legislators to improve educational opportunities for students.
Simmons resides in El Dorado with his wife Rhonda who serves as Assistant Superintendent of El Dorado Schools. He has three children and four grand-children. Tom attends Cross Life Church and enjoys fishing.
Vice President (2018-20): Karl Romain, Little Rock School District Virtual Academy, karl.henry.romain@gmail.com
Karl-Henry Romain has been an educator for over 18 years. He currently trains teachers and administrators on the nuances of the content, pedagogy and instructional strategies of teaching and learning. His area of expertise is on the seamless integration of technology into the taught curriculum. He has designed and taught various professional learning modules regarding analyzing student work and connecting it to the lesson that was taught and what will be taught; how to unwrap and make sense of the various mathematics learning trajectories; on aligning the pedagogy to the mathematics content being taught, and how to create differentiated lessons to meet the needs of all learners.
More of this bio. can be found at Karlbio17July15.docx.pdf
Membership/Treasurer (2017-20): Jackie Starks
Jackie Starks has completed 14 years in education. She served five years as an Math Instructional Facilitator at Searcy McRae Elementary and is passionate about integrating STEM and mathematics in an elementary school setting. Currently, Mrs. Starks is employed at Westside Elementary School as an Assistant Principal where she continues to support her school, district, and community in efforts to challenge students, supporting teachers, and advocate for change in mathematics education.
Secretary (2018-): Tiffani Fugate
Tiffani Fugate began teaching mathematics in Hot Springs in 2009. She has served as a secondary math specialist and Certified Google Trainer for the Curriculum Support Services/Professional Development Unit at the Arkansas State Department of Education. She has recently decided to return to the classroom as a lead teacher for Fountain Lake Charter High School. She specializes in secondary (7-12) mathematics, formative assessment, curriculum and instruction, and technology integration for student success. Mrs. Fugate has received her MSE in Advanced Instructional Strategies with an emphasis in Secondary Mathematics from Henderson State University, her BS in Mathematics from Henderson State University. www.tiffanifugate.com tiffani.fugate@gtrainerdemo.tiffanifugate.com or tfugate@flcobras.com
President-elect (2018-19): Javier Taylor (will serve as President 2019-),
Javier Taylor was born in Fayetteville, AR and is a graduate of Farmington high school. While serving in the United States Air Force, Javier received a Bachelor of Applied Science in Biblical Studies from Bethany Bible College, later he received a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Thomas A. Edison State University as well as a Master of Arts in Teaching from the University of Arkanasas at Monticello. Javier worked as a technical writer and curriculum developer for the Air Force before serving as chairman of the mathematics department at Canyon Creek Christian Academy in Richardson, TX. When Javier and his wife Crystal moved back to Arkansas in 2004, Javier worked at the plastics testing lab of Dalton King Packaging in Russellville, AR. Javier taught high school mathematics at Pottsville, high school, then served for four years as a state mathematics specialist at the STEM center at Arkansas Tech University and three years as a state mathematics specialist at the Western Arkansas Education Service Cooperative in Branch, AR. Javier is currently an Assistant Professor of Practice of Mathematics Education at the University of the Ozarks in Clarksville, AR
Past President (2016- 17): Tim Brister (served as President 2012-2016), tbrister@harding.edu
Tim Brister graduated from Melbourne High School in Melbourne, AR and later went to Harding University and earned a BA and MSE. Tim has taught mathematics at Midland School District in Pleasant Plains, Beebe Middle School, and Searcy High School. He has also served as an adjunct instructor for ASU in Beebe and for Harding University in Searcy. Tim is a member of the ACTM board and and a member of NCTM and NCSM. He is currently the K- 12 Mathematics Specialist at Harding University STEM Center for Math and Science Education in Searcy Arkansas.
AAML Officers
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