
Mathematics Leaders Conference 2013

Page history last edited by Tim Brister 9 years, 9 months ago

Resources created or referenced during the 2013 Leader's Conference:


Files Created During AAML 2013 Wednesday sessions -- Notes, ideas and resources shared during the open conference breakout sessions.  Once you click on the link, click on the file you want to view.  A page will open that has a download tab at the top.  Once you clock on download you can save the file to your computer and then view it using the appropriate program (files are MSWord, some additional materials are PowerPoint files).  Below is a list of the topics you will see:

  • Educating Students -- working on the question, "How do we get students motivated?"
  • Building Parent Relationships -- "How do we educate parents about CCSSM?"
  • Elementary Coaches  -- "What do elementary math coaches do....how do I do the work of an elementary math coach?"
  • Teacher, Content, and Education -- "What can we do to help fill teacher content gaps as we implement CCSSM?
  • Higher Education -- "How do we better communicate with higher education about mathematics and CCSSM?"
  • RTI -- "How do we address RTI as we consider CCSSM implementation?"
  • Gaps in Common Core Implementation -- "How do we begin to fill the content gaps caused by the transition to CCSSM?"
  • Educating Secondary Parents on CCSSM Pathways -- "How do we educate parents in order to choose the best High School Course pathway for all students?"
    • 2013_Accelerated_Math_Parent_Night -- this file was shared during the session and contains resources used during a parents night designed to help inform parents of high school pathways and acceleration.  This a zip file so once it is downloaded, it may need to be extracted before all  files can be viewed (if you are unsure how to do this a techie should be able to help).
  • TESS and CCSSM -- this resource came up in the general discussion.  It is a PowerPoint file used by Linda Griffith in a session relating TESS and CCSSM.
  • There is a folder containing pictures taken during the conference.


NCSM PowerPoint presented by Suzanne Mitchell and Linda Griffith -- The information about the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.


Matt Larson Resources -- https://sites.google.com/site/mattlarsonupdates/ -- Matt Larson was our Thursday morning session and the ACTM luncheon speaker.  Resources he has shared, including a pdf of his PowerPoint, can be found here.





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