Arkansas Association of Mathematics Leaders
The Arkansas Association of Mathematics Leaders formed to assist in promoting effectiveness in leadership, coaching, coordination, and the teaching of mathematics at all levels by holding meetings for the presentation and discussion of papers; by conducting public discussion groups, forums, panels, lectures, or other similar programs; by conducting or promoting investigations for the purpose of improving the teaching of mathematics; and by the sharing of papers, journals, books, and reports; thus vitalizing and coordinating the work of mathematics leaders across Arkansas and bringing the interests of mathematics to the attention and consideration of the larger community in Arkansas.
You can become a member by filling out an online form at or by filling out and sending in a membership form by clicking on and downloading the form.
Resources Shared by Members -- a place for members to share resources they have created with each other
AAML Constitution Amended Feb. 2014) -- 2015-02-25 AAML Constitution.doc
Resources from previous Mathematics Leader's conferences:
AAML Officers: Follow this link for information about our officers.
AAML Regional Representatives : AAML representatives are being chosen for five regions of the state to assist with communication and representation in the organization. Ones who have accepted can be found at this link. Please let us know if you know of good candidates for representative in the regions not yet represented.
Arkansas State Mathematics Specialists Contact Information: Copy of FY16ContactList12Oct15.xlsx
AAML is an affiliate of:
Arkansas Council of Teachers of Mathematics:
National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics:
Our Current NCSM Regional Director:
Paul Gray
Regional Director S2
P.O. Box 190813
Dallas, TX 75219
For more information contact Javier Taylor, PresidentAAML Officers , at
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